Our pledge to technical
content and support
‘In Numbers We Trust’ seems to be an evolving theme in the solar protection industry. And as such we are no different than the rest. If anything, we may be more preoccupied with measuring things, given our manufacturing legacy as well as our long-standing relationship with highly discerning global clients.
For each product in the TAME THE LIGHT – FABRICS WITH PURPOSE- collection, we collect more than 50 measurements. Anything from sustainability profile to solar energy properties. We do this to accurately describe the performance and characteristics of the fabric. We do it to enable upselling from simpler to more advanced products. And we do it to illustrate the added value embedded in the fabrics.
The measurements go beyond the fabrics themselves as we are well aware that our customers buy not only a fabric, but also a smooth and cost-effective production process, and a worry-free life in the window of a customer.
Most importantly, we seek to provide practical meaning and context behind the numbers.
Our project managers are well-versed and are supported by an engineering team with more knowledge than you care to know.